Public Speaking and Leadership Training

- The leadership traits that you can reinforce and expect from your team members
- The leadership principles which you can use to develop your own leadership style and lead teams effectively
- The principles of war such as mass, offensive and surprise which can be used to fight and win your professional battles
- Specific mission planning and execution techniques that you can adopt to your own needs
- Managing Stress and the Work/Life Balance
- Group Leadership Dynamics
Edward Perdue is the author of "The Little Green Book – A Leadership Manual for Professionals", published in 2020 (available here).
Past Bookings
- Michigan Defense Trial Counsel – Applying the Principles of War to Trial Campaigns (December 2020)
- Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel – Leadership Secrets of the United States Marines (January 2021)
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan – Office of General Counsel Retreat, Detroit, MI
- New Mexico Defense Lawyers Association, Albuquerque, NM
- DRI Central Region Meeting, Greenbrier Resort, WV
- DRI Southwest Regional Meeting, Santa Fe, NM
- Wisconsin Defense Counsel, The American Club, Kohler, WI
- DRI Central and Mid-Atlantic Joint Meeting, Savannah, GA
- Michigan Defense Trial Counsel, Novi, MI
- Byrne Electrical Specialists, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI
- Legal Copy Services, Inc., Grand Rapids, MI
- Dickinson Wright PLLC Associate Training (Virtual Presentation, 2019)
- DRI Webinar- Business as Unusual: Keeping the Doors Open During a Pandemic (May 2020)
- DTCWV (Defense Trial Counsel of West Virginia) - Leadership Secrets of the US Marines (May 2020)
- DWH Corp. - Leadership Secrets of the US Marines (June 2020)